Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A beginning

While this blog is a requirement for a BSN  Nursing Informatics course I am taking at Southwest Baptist University, it is one I have been mulling over for quite some time.  Sure, there is probably an overabundance of blogs.  Presumably, those of us who start blogs have a voice we believe needs to be heard - even if among a limited circle of friends.  Mine is not a grandiose aspiration (yes, I shamelessly used the word "grandiose", Mr. Hester, former AP English instructor at Craigmont High School).  Rather, I hope to reach an audience who is intrigued by science, who has some facility with health information, and who is interested in how I can make this entertaining.

More recently, I have become inspired by Seth Godin and his book, Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us.  The basic premise is that we should each consider ourselves leaders.  Leaders attract a tribe of followers who seek our lead - whether it is a small knitting circle of friends we form to amuse ourselves or a cutting edge personal electronics company attracting gadget aficionados a la Steve Jobs.  Thus, I have titled my blog "Leads in the Weeds".  This alludes to the fact that I am most certainly not in a placid, peaceful clearing.  Instead, I have juxtaposed myself, purposely, in the weeds.  In the weeds, I find myself entwined in information, seeking clarity and understanding.  Science seems like a good starting point.  Nursing - well, that's a natural springboard, too.  Can I make you laugh while doing so?  I certainly hope so, but I make no promises.



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