Sunday, February 3, 2013

Finding a Needle in a Haystack

What do you think of when you think of healthcare informatics?  Those in the healthcare industry may have an idea what this means.  It seems like an easy enough concept: take two words, healthcare and informatics, and combine them to get one meaningful discipline.  What about those outside of healthcare?  I would imagine that for most, whether in the healthcare industry or not, the term healthcare informatics conjures up similar images: hospitals and computers.  This is a good place to start, but an image of hospitals and computers is very limited. 

Healthcare encompasses more than hospitals.  Hospitals, clinics, urgent care facilities, insurance companies, research institutions, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, and universities make up a bulk of what is happening in the healthcare environment.  Each generates a vast amount of information (data).  Incorporating the complementary and alternative medicine component adds another element to the data that is generated on a daily basis.  Enter informatics.  Once, data generated in each of these venues was, largely, trapped in paper form.  Not that the information was not available, but the amount of time it would take to retrieve the archived data was significant.  In the 1950s and 1960s, computers helped healthcare institutions with the financial aspects of the delivery of care (Sewell & Thede, 2013).  But, healthcare was slow to adopt technologies that would allow them to digitize and store information (Kudyba, 2010).  The rapid advancement of computing technologies in the 1990s, including those that made personal computers and information sharing more readily accessible to the masses, fueled advances in virtually every industry.  Yet, the healthcare industry remained reluctant to adopt emerging technologies that would allow it to let go of its strangle-hold on paper.  Particularly in the U.S., healthcare was using the most advanced diagnostic and delivery technologies in the world concurrently with the most primitive of information storage possible: paperwork stored in file boxes and microfiche films. 

As the new century advances, the delivery of healthcare has been mandated to adopt sharable electronic health records (EHRs) with the goal of providing a higher level of care in a more cost-efficient manner (Sewell & Thede, 2013).  Digitizing data makes this possible.  Managing the immense amount of digitized data that is generated is in the realm of information technology.  Data is not useful unless it can be linked in useful ways - rapidly.  Linking data requires a standardized language utilized by input sources, the ways and means to store data, search functions to retrieve the data, and an ability to perform analytics based upon the type of information one hopes to generate.  The ability to link data provides us the ability to ask important questions such as, “How many ERCPs were performed in-house this month?”, “What is the average age of clients diagnosed with lung cancer?”, and “How much does it cost to perform a cholecystectomomy?” 

As a scientist and oncology nurse, I am particularly interested in advances made in chemotherapies, biotherapies, and cancer genomics.  There is a vast amount of information generated in cancer research and the delivery of healthcare to those impacted by cancer.  In order to make significant advances, however, it is necessary to make higher-level connections between disease states and non-disease states.  In other words, what is different?  What changes do we see? What causes uncontrolled proliferation in one cell and not the other?  How can we exploit this information to provide better health outcomes?  In order to make these significant advances, we must be able to mine the data we generate.  Healthcare informatics is the goose that laid the golden egg. 

I was once part of a start-up biotechnology company in San Diego (watch the video if you want to get a better understanding of what I did and where the company is today).  In brief, we collected nucleic acids (genetic material) from environmental sources around the world.  Once purified, we would clone the genetic information into expression hosts, like E. coli, and look for gene products of biotechnological significance.  The myriad of sample sources, whether a hot spring in Costa Rica or a deep sea vent at the bottom of the ocean, combined with thousands of genes, and gene products discovered from those sample sources, created a mountain of data that would remain useless unless it could be stored and retrieved to facilitate research and development.  As one of the bioprospectors responsible for the collection, generation, and storage of genetic information, I was given the opportunity to work on an intracompany database.  Essentially, we needed to create a platform that would allow us to mine the reams of data we were generating.  Data and the scientific advances we made were the life-forces of our company.  If we discovered a commercially viable gene product (i.e, an enzyme that could be used in laundry detergents to break down fat stains on clothes or an anti-tumor compound) we needed to be able to go back to the original source of that material in order to conduct further studies.  Knowing where we collected that sample, how it was purified, the genetics of the expression host, and where it was stored was critical.  Developing the database, coming up with a standardized language, and providing a user-friendly platform gave us this ability.  Without this ability, our company could not stay in business.  Advances in cancer research and the delivery of healthcare are also dependent upon this ability.  We must be able to mine the data we generate in cancer research in order to provide the highest level of care that leads to better health outcomes for clients. 

Certainly, healthcare informatics is meant to provide a system whereby critical client information is stored and retrievable in a useable format to provide the best care available to clients.  But, it is not limited to the delivery of care directly to the client.  It starts long before a client enters the hospital, the urgent care clinic, or the physician’s office.  It starts when we start asking “How can we provide better health outcomes?”



Kudyba, S. (2010, April 19).  What is healthcare informatics? Retrieved from

Sewell, J. & Thede, L. (2013).  Informatics and nursing: Opportunities and challenges (4th ed.).  Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health / Lippencott Williams & Wilkins


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